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The area of the added local mesh will override the default automatic mesh, regardless of the mesh step.

The setting of the minimum mesh step in the solver is the globally smallest mesh size allowed in the simulation. This setting takes priority over other mesh constraints, including local mesh regions.

3.1 Add local mesh

The syntax and properties of adding local mesh are shown below. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
property: dict,

General properties

dx/dy/dz: Specify the mesh size in the x/y/z direction.

Geometry properties

x, y, znumber-The center position of the local mesh region.
x_span, y_span, z_spannumber-X span, Y span, Z span of the local mesh region.
x_min, x_maxnumber-X min, X max position of the local mesh region.
y_min, y_maxnumber-Y min, Y max position of the local mesh region.
z_min, z_maxnumber-Z min, Z max position of the local mesh region.


The following command sets the local mesh region to 6 um 3 um 3 um and the local mesh step to 0.2 um in the x, y and z directions. This script assumes that the project has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the Project.

lm = pj.LocalMesh()
property={"general": {"dx": 0.2, "dy": 0.2, "dz": 0.2},
"geometry": {"x": 0, "x_span": 6, "y": 0, "y_span":3, "z": 0, "z_span": 3 } } )

3.2 Add Electrical Local Mesh

In the context of electrical simulation, we present guidelines on how to incorporate meshing to ensure the precision and dependability of the simulation outcomes. The code explanations and a practical example provided below.

name: str,
property: Dict[str, Any],
nameElectric local mesh name.
propertyElectric local mesh property.


st.add_emesh(name="local_mesh", type="EMesh", property={
"general": {"mesh_size": 0.01},
"geometry": {"geometry_type": "directly_defined", "x": st_x_mean, "x_span": 0,
"y": 0, "y_span": 0.8, "z_min": -0.1, "z_max": 0.3}})

Property list of electrical local mesh in a rectangle region:

general.mesh_size0.01floatThe minimum value of the local mesh region.
general.geometry_typedirectly definedstringSelections are ['directly defined', 'solid','solid_solid']
solid_solid-stringNames of the two structures at the interface.
solid_1-stringAvailable when geometry_type is 'solid_solid'
solid_2-stringAvailable when geometry_type is 'solid_solid'

Local mesh of electrical simulation in rectangle region property list, when geometry_type is directly defined:

geometry.x-floatThe x-coordinate of the center point position of the electrical mesh.
geometry.x_span-floatThe length in x direction of the electrical mesh. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.x_min-floatThe minimum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electrical mesh.
geometry.x_max-floatThe maximum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electrical mesh.
geometry.y-floatThe y-coordinate of the center point position of the electrical mesh.
geometry.y_span-floatThe width in y direction of the electrical mesh. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.y_min-floatThe minimum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electrical mesh.
geometry.y_max-floatThe maximum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electrical mesh.
geometry.z-floatThe z-coordinate of the center point position of the electrical mesh.
geometry.z_span-floatThe thinckness in z direction of the electrical mesh. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.z_min-floatThe z-coordinate of the bottom position of the thickness of the electrical mesh.
geometry.z_max-floatThe z-coordinate of the top position of the thickness of the electrical mesh.
mesh_size-floatThe max size of electrical simulation mesh.

Note: When the simulation region is in the xy plane, only the parameters in the x, y direction are effective, and parameters in the z direction will be ignored. Similarly for the rest.

By implementing an electric mesh in solid or its boundary, enhancing the comprehensiveness of your simulation results.


# Example of electrical local mesh in a solid

lm = pj.LocalMesh()

lm.add(name="EMesh_Si", type="EMesh", property={
"general": {"mesh_size": 0.02},
"geometry": {"geometry_type": "solid", "solid": st["Si_base"]}

# Example of electrical local mesh in the solid boundary

lm = pj.LocalMesh()

lm.add(name="Ge_Boundary", type="EMesh", property={
"general": {"mesh_size": 0.002},
"geometry": {"geometry_type": "solid_solid",
"solid_1": st["Ge"],
"solid_2": st["Ge"],
"growth_ratio": 2}