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The monitor is used to record or extract the results of interest in the simulation. Using Monitor() to instance the monitor module to the projec, the available monitor types are "index_monitor", "time_monitor", "power_monitor", "profile_monitor" and "global_option".

5.1 Index Monitor

The syntax and properties for adding index monitor are as follows. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
typename: Literal["index_monitor"],
property: dict,


monitor_typestring-The types of index monitor that can be selected are "2d_x_normal","2d_y_normal" and "2d_z_normal".
x, y, znumber-The center position of the index monitor.
X span, Y span, z_spannumber-Xspan, Y span, Z span of the index monitor.
x_min, x_maxnumber-X min, X max position of the index monitor.
y_min, y_maxnumber-Y min, Y max position of the index monitor.
z_min, z_maxnumber-Z min, Z max position of the index monitor.

Example: The following script add a 2D index monitor and set its dimension and position. This script assumes that FDTD or EME solver has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the project.

mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="x_normal_index", type="index_monitor",
property={"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_x_normal",
"x": 0, "x_span": 0, "y": 0, "y_span": 3, "z": 0, "z_span": 6}

5.2 Time monitor

The syntax and properties for adding time monitor are as follows. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
typename: Literal["time_monitor"],
property: dict,


stop_methodstring"end_of_simulation"Selects "end_of_simulation", "choose_stop_time" or "choose_number_of_snapshots" to stop recording data.
start_timenumber0The time to start recording data.
stop_timenumber1000The time to stop recording data.
number_of_snapshotsinteger10The number of time step to record, related to the dt setting in mesh settings.


monitor_typestring-Selects "point", "2d_x_normal","2d_y_normal","2d_z_normal", "x_linear", "y_linear", "z_linear" or "three_dimension" to control of spatial setting.
x, y, znumber-The center position of the time monitor.
x_span, y_span, z_spannumber-X span, Y span, Z span of the time monitor.
x_min, x_maxnumber-X min, X max position of the time monitor.
y_min, y_maxnumber-Y min, Y max position of the time monitor.
z_min, z_maxnumber-Z min, Z max position of the time monitor.


sampling_rate: Sets "min_stampling_per_cycle" to control the minimum sampling amount that can be used for each optical cycle.

Example: The following script add a time monitor and set its dimension and position. This script assumes that FDTD solver has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the project.

mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="time_monitor1", type="time_monitor",
property={"general": {
"stop_method": "end_of_simulation", "start_time": 0, "stop_time": 100, "number_of_snapshots": 10},
"geometry": {"monitor_type": "point", "x": 0, "x_span": 0, "y": 0, "y_span": 0, "z": 0, "z_span": 0},
"advanced": {"sampling_rate": {"min_sampling_per_cycle": 10}}})

5.3 Power monitor

The syntax and properties for adding power monitor are as follows. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
typename: Literal["power_monitor"],
property: dict,

Frequency profile

use_source_limitsbooleanFalseChoose whether to use light source limits to set the wavelength/frequency range for recording data.
spacing typestringwavelengthSelects are "wavelength" or "frequency" to control the interval at which data is recorded.
spacing_limitstringmin_maxSelects "min_max" or "center_span" to control of spacing limit setting.
wavelength center, frequency centernumber-Set frequency or wavelength center for recording data.
wavelength span, frequency spannumber-Sets frequency or wavelength span for recording data.
wavelength min, wavelength waxnumber-Set the minimum and maximum wavelength for recording data.
frequency min, frequency maxnumber-Sets the minimum and maximum frequency for recording data.
frequency_pointsinteger5Sets the number of frequency points for recording data.


monitor_typestring-Selects "point", "2d_x_normal","2d_y_normal","2d_z_normal", "x_linear", "y_linear" or "z_linear" to control of spatial setting.
x, y, znumber-The center position of the power monitor.
X span, Y span, z_spannumber-Xspan, Y span, Z span of the power monitor.
x_min, x_maxnumber-X min, X max position of the power monitor.
y_min, y_maxnumber-Y min, Y max position of the power monitor.
z_min, z_maxnumber-Z min, Z max position of the power monitor.

Data to record


output ex, ey, ez, hx, hy, hz: Choose whether to measure that field component. In 2D simulation, only some field components are non-zero.


output px, py, pz, power: Choose whether to output the results of poynting vector and transmittance. In 2D simulation, only some components are non-zero.

Example: The following script add a power monitor and set its dimension and position. This script assumes that FDTD solver has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the project.

mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="z_normal", type="power_monitor",
property={"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_z_normal","x": 0, "x_span": 5, "y": 0, "y_span": 5, "z": 0, "z_span": 0}})

5.4 Profile monitor

The syntax and properties for adding properties monitor are as follows. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
typename: Literal["profile_monitor"],
property: dict,

Geometry properties

monitor typestring-Selects are "2d_x_normal","2d_y_normal" and "2d_z_normal" to control of spatial setting.
x_resolutioninteger100The resolution of output simulation results of profile monitor.
x, y, znumber-The center position of the profile monitor.
x_span, y_span, z_spannumber-X span, Y span, Z span of the profile monitor.
x_min, x_maxnumber-X min, X max position of the profile monitor.
y_min, y_maxnumber-Y min, Y max position of the profile monitor.
z_min, z_maxnumber-Z min, Z max position of the profile monitor.

Example: The following script add a profile monitor and set its dimension and position. This script assumes that EME solver has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the project.

mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="y_normal", type="profile_monitor",
property={"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_y_normal", "x_resolution": 100,
"x": 0, "x_span": 206, "y": 0, "y_span": 0, "z": 0, "z_span": 7}})

5.5 Global monitor/option

The syntax and properties for adding global monitor/option are as follows. This function does not return any data.

name: str,
typename: Literal["global_monitor, global_optional"],
property: dict,

Frequency power properties

use_source_limitsbooleanFalseChoose whether to use light source limits to set the wavelength/frequency range for recording data.
spacing typestringwavelengthSelects are "wavelength" or "frequency" to control the interval at which data is recorded.
spacing_limitstringmin_maxSelects "min_max" or "center_span" to control of spacing limit setting.
wavelength center, frequency centernumber-Set frequency or wavelength center for recording data.
wavelength span, frequency spannumber-Sets frequency or wavelength span for recording data.
wavelength min, wavelength waxnumber-Set the minimum and maximum wavelength for recording data.
frequency min, frequency maxnumber-Sets the minimum and maximum frequency for recording data.
frequency_pointsinteger5Sets the number of frequency points for recording data.


min_sampling_per_cycle: Sets the minimum sampling amount that can be used for each optical cycle.

Example: The following script add the global monitor and set its frequency domain range and number of frequency points. This script assumes that FDTD solver has been added to the simulation environment, and the pj is an instance of the project.

mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="Global Option", type="global_option",
property={"frequency_power": { # "sample_spacing": "uniform", "use_wavelength_spacing": True,
# ["min_max","center_span"]
"spacing_type": "wavelength", "spacing_limit": "center_span",
"wavelength_center": 1.5, "wavelength_span": 0.1, "frequency_points": 11}})

5.5 Band monitor

Integrate a band monitor into the current project.

type: Literal["band_monitor"],
name: str,
property: PostProcessBandMonitor,
nameThe name of band monitor defined in the project.
typeTo decide the type of monitor.
propertyThe property of band monitor.


    mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="band_monitor", type="band_monitor", property={
"general": {"interpolate_accuracy": 1},
"geometry": {"monitor_type": "y_linear", "x": st_x_mean, "x_span": 0,
"y": st_y_mean, "y_span": st_y_span, "z": 0.08, "z_span": 0}

# endregion
general.record_ectrueboolThe conduction band edge energy at 300K.
general.record_evtrueboolThe valance band edge energy at 300K.
general.record_eitrueboolThe fermi level for intrinsic doped material.
general.record_efntrueboolThe electron quasi-Fermi energy.
general.record_efptrueboolThe hole quasi-Fermi energy.
geometry.monitor_typestringSet the dimension type of the monitor. For electrical monitors, only 1D type and 2D type are available currently. Selections are ["linear_x", "linear_y", "linear_z"].
geometry.x-floatThe x-coordinate of the center point position of the band monitor.
geometry.x_span-floatThe length in x direction of the band monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.x_min-floatThe minimum x-coordinate endpoint data of the band monitor.
geometry.x_max-floatThe maximum x-coordinate endpoint data of the band monitor.
geometry.y-floatThe y-coordinate of the center point position of the band monitor.
geometry.y_span-floatThe width in y direction of the band monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.y_min-floatThe minimum y-coordinate endpoint data of the band monitor.
geometry.y_max-floatThe maximum y-coordinate endpoint data of the band monitor.
geometry.z-floatThe z-coordinate of the center point position of the band monitor.
geometry.z_span-floatThe height in z direction of the band monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.z_min-floatThe z-coordinate of the bottom position of the height of the band monitor.
geometry.z_max-floatThe z-coordinate of the top position of the height of the band monitor.
geometry.interpolate_accuracy1integerSet the accuracy of the rectangular grid for extracting the monitor result. Restrained by condition: >=1 && <= 10. Here 1 means the grid size is 10nm, and 10 means the grid size is 1nm, and the grid size varies uniformly with the variation in "interpolate_accuracy".

5.6 Charge monitor

Incorporate a charge monitor into the current project.

type: Literal["charge_monitor"],
name: str,
property: PostProcessChargeMonitor,
nameThe name of charge monitor defined in the project.
typeTo decide the type of monitor.
propertyThe property of charge monitor.


    mn = pj.Monitor()
mn.add(name="charge_monitor", type="charge_monitor", property={
"general": {"interpolate_accuracy": 1},
"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_x_normal", "x": st_x_mean, "x_span": 0,
"y": st_y_mean, "y_span": st_y_span, "z": st_z_mean, "z_span": st_z_span}

general.record_electronstrueboolThe distribution of electron concentration in monitor.
general.record_holestrueboolThe distribution of hole concentration in monitor.
general.integrate_total_chargetrueboolAvailable when monitor_type is in ["2d_x_normal", "2d_y_normal", "2d_z_normal"].
geometry.monitor_typestringSelections are ["linear_x", "linear_y", "linear_z", "2d_x_normal", "2d_y_normal", "2d_z_normal"].
geometry.x-floatThe x-coordinate of the center point position of the charge monitor.
geometry.x_span-floatThe length in x direction of the charge monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.x_min-floatThe minimum x-coordinate endpoint data of the charge monitor.
geometry.x_max-floatThe maximum x-coordinate endpoint data of the charge monitor.
geometry.y-floatThe y-coordinate of the center point position of the charge monitor.
geometry.y_span-floatThe width in y direction of the charge monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.y_min-floatThe minimum y-coordinate endpoint data of the charge monitor.
geometry.y_max-floatThe maximum y-coordinate endpoint data of the charge monitor.
geometry.z-floatThe z-coordinate of the center point position of the charge monitor.
geometry.z_span-floatThe height in z direction of the charge monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.z_min-floatThe z-coordinate of the bottom position of the height of the charge monitor.
geometry.z_max-floatThe z-coordinate of the top position of the height of the charge monitor.
geometry.interpolate_accuracy1integerRestrained by condition: >=1 && <= 10.

5.7 Electric monitor

Integrate an electric monitor into the current project.

type: Literal["electric_monitor"],
name: str,
property: PostProcessElectricMonitor,
nameThe name of electric monitor defined in the project.
typeTo decide the type of monitor.
propertyThe property of electric monitor.


    mn = pj.Monitor()

mn.add(name="elec_monitor", type="electrical_monitor", property={
"general": {"interpolate_accuracy": 1},
"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_x_normal", "x": st_x_mean, "x_span": 0,
"y": st_y_mean, "y_span": st_y_span, "z": st_z_mean, "z_span": st_z_span}
general.record_electrics_fieldtrueboolThe distribution of electric field in monitor.
general.record_electrostatic_potentialtrueboolThe distribution of electric potential in monitor.
general.calculate_net_chargetrueboolAvailable when monitor_type is in ["2d_x_normal", "2d_y_normal", "2d_z_normal"].
geometry.monitor_typestringSelections are ["linear_x", "linear_y", "linear_z", "2d_x_normal", "2d_y_normal", "2d_z_normal"].
geometry.x-floatThe x-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.x_span-floatThe length in x direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.x_min-floatThe minimum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.x_max-floatThe maximum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.y-floatThe y-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.y_span-floatThe width in y direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.y_min-floatThe minimum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.y_max-floatThe maximum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.z-floatThe z-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.z_span-floatThe height in z direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.z_min-floatThe z-coordinate of the bottom position of the height of the electric monitor.
geometry.z_max-floatThe z-coordinate of the top position of the height of the electric monitor.
geometry.interpolate_accuracy1integerRestrained by condition: >=1 && <= 10.

5.7 Doping monitor

Integrate an electric monitor into the current project.

type: Literal["doping_monitor"],
name: str,
property: PostProcessElectricMonitor,
nameThe name of electric monitor defined in the project.
typeTo decide the type of monitor.
propertyThe property of electric monitor.


    mn = pj.Monitor()

mn.add(name="doping_monitor", type="doping_monitor", property={
"general": {"interpolate_accuracy": 4},
"geometry": {"monitor_type": "2d_x_normal", "x": st_x_mean, "x_span": 0,
"y": 0, "y_span": 0.8, "z_min": -0.1, "z_max": 0.3}
general.donortrueboolThe distribution of electric field in monitor.
general.acceptorltrueboolThe distribution of electric potential in monitor.
geometry.monitor_typestringSelections are [ "2d_x_normal", "2d_y_normal", "2d_z_normal"].
geometry.x-floatThe x-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.x_span-floatThe length in x direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.x_min-floatThe minimum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.x_max-floatThe maximum x-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.y-floatThe y-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.y_span-floatThe width in y direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.y_min-floatThe minimum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.y_max-floatThe maximum y-coordinate endpoint data of the electric monitor.
geometry.z-floatThe z-coordinate of the center point position of the electric monitor.
geometry.z_span-floatThe height in z direction of the electric monitor. Restrained by condition: >0.
geometry.z_min-floatThe z-coordinate of the bottom position of the height of the electric monitor.
geometry.z_max-floatThe z-coordinate of the top position of the height of the electric monitor.
geometry.interpolate_accuracy1integerRestrained by condition: >=1 && <= 10.